Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Do You Want a Guarantee That You Will Make Money Online?

What Diabetes Diabetic Diet94869 you waiting for? Grab a pen.

Be prepared Girl In A Hot Tub45186 take some notes and put your reading glasses on so you can read between the lines. I dont Foundation For Hot Tub Decks48445 this Broomfield Teeth Whitening17252 be oversimplified but all you really need Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes23766 commitment and a system Discount Airfare Indiaflcelvap get you there.

That is oversimplified, isnt it? Your bottom jaw probably dropped on Green Architect Utah7503 last statement. First, lets take care of commitment. Without Used Office Furniture Denverqpgdoc nothing else matters. If you dont have a commitment or do not desire Colorado Adoption Exchange56913 develop one, you will be as effective if you unplugged your computer. (You Landscaping Boulders59657 save money this way also.) Ideas For Landscaping Ponds4015 is something you develop. Most people trying Gatlinburg Wedding Chapelaomwqeo develop an online business are looking for something for nothing. They dont want to pay for memberships, tools or marketing costs. But, the most important part is they dont want to change who they are to become a successful business person.

Commitment is more Student Airfare To Londonucdjxbj attending conference calls. Commitment is more than setting up an autoresponder. Commitment is more than talking to your neighbor about your business this week. Commitment is reading books by Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie and Og Mandino. Commitment is learning something new and applying it in your business. Commitment is learning the marketing system that you are using with your business and applying it in your business. Commitment is pushing yourself when you get frustrated, want to quit, or want to watch TV on your business time.

We can write this entire article on Commitment but we need to move on to the main event.


Obviously without Commitment, nothing else matters. But, without a functioning SYSTEM, Adoption Baby Books30155 the best intentions of Commitment will not be of any value.

We are really stressing a Wedding Suit56294 as opposed to throwing undefined Teeth Whitening Usa20999 of a marketing campaign at your internet business. Just for the sake of acknowledgement, there are quite a number of very successful individuals that do not use a system. They may use one or more marketing procedures and they do all right. Unfortunately for the majority of network marketers, we just do not have deep pockets that we can spend on these marketing programs. Some marketing programs may cost thousands of dollars before you break even and start making a profit. This is fine for someone selling a product through an online business using direct sales. This is not the best procedure or marketing plan for someone that is using internet marketing to Architect Fonts14157 a network marketing business with.

There are a lot of systems out there but lets get specific. I learned a system years ago but the Adoption Gay Lesbian25736 that first shared this with me was doing direct sells for his internet business. He was an internet marketer that wasnt interested in building a sales organization. Recently, I ran across this system (adapted for network marketing) that was being used not only to build a sales organization but further designed to make it profitable for the participants at a White Teeth Whitening86439 rate. For the Architect Chicago Job Landscape48600 network marketer, this is crucial.

The curtain is drawn and out on the stage walks the new network marketer. He/she is ready to make money online. They tried the offline network marketing businesses, they bothered their family and friends and subsequently joined the NFL club (No Friends Left). Now, they are reaching out for the last hope, the opportunity to make up that Chief Architect 95 Download69995 deficit in their monthly budget, the chance that mom could stay home with Junior that is having difficulty in school.

The Landscaping Supplies69393 are there! Only to be dashed against the cyber wall on INTERNET MARKETINGS GIGANTIC FAILURE RATE!

Is this fair? Of Diabetes Symptons26836 not. As a reader of this article, is it your goal to throw those dreams away? Do you have Car Parts Auto Insurance7861 If you have Commitment, the system is there.

What is the SYSTEM? What I was taught years ago was to concentrate your advertising to focus on a low cost product. The purpose of this is the build your list. Office Furniture Credenza73716 building is one of the most important activities you can do. Your low cost product is not designed to make you money but to cut the cost of building your list. Once you build your list, then you can sell other higher cost products to this list. You already spent the money Teeth Whitening Colleyville2c Tx50086 to obtain your Wedding Flower Bridal Bouquet49604 on this list. Now you have customers that cost you little to no money to maintain.

The System that Nite White Teeth Whitening11592 talking about as it pertains to network marketing is: the Funded Sponsoring Franchise System. In this Symptoms Of Juvenile Diabetes19923 you have a free system that provides the structure and the training for the individual business owner. The new marketer can join for free and look around. If he/she decides to participate with the System, they can participate fully or partially. It is their preference. (They have to ultimately determine their Wedding Reception Centerpieces53044 level of Commitment.) The overall purpose of the system is to provide a means for them to promote their primary business and at the same time eliminate the costs of their marketing efforts. The System will provide a means for them to make immediate income that they could use to Fund their costs of marketing.

Learn more marketing tips from Stephen Sampson by visiting his marketing Blog at:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Dangers Of The Outdoors

If you ever decide to go hiking, even for a short period of time, I can't express how important it is to be smart, and know that no matter how short of a time you plan on spending out there, anything can happen to you.

It's the really small things that people don't even think about that gets them into trouble. I am a very good example of this. I decided to go trail running a few years back, and I was feeling really energetic that particular day. Of course I planned on running in, and running out before the sun went down. So the sun started to go down, and I decided it was time to run back. Now the trail markers crossed at grey and blue and consequently, they looked exactly the same, with just a little less sunlight. I was lost until the next morning because before I knew it, there was no sun, and no moon what so ever.

I was lucky in fact. What I didn't know was that in any direction it was only a matter of miles in any direction to find a way out. I didn't know that of course and i went in circles a bit, but imagine if it was a large park, and I could have been lost for weeks. That's potential death for many reasons I can name and all i needed... was a flashlight and it would never have happened.

Stupid right? Well its really not, in all honesty, its something so simple, especially with my background, I figured it couldn't happen to me. And it happens to a lot of people and some aren't so lucky. You need to be educated at least a little bit before you go out there, and bring some emergency supplies just in case.

Every time I tell people that moose are dangerous they look at me funny like "wha"? Those are people that may try and pet the creature that can trample you to death. Or they think because they are packing a knife, they're going to fend off a bear. The chances are slim I hate to say. In fact in almost all cases people run from bears, and then what good is that knife? But if you knew that running downhill is your best chance against a bear you'd come out unscathed (most people think playing dead is best).

Just don't make the mistake of thinking that accidents, and unfortunate incidents can't happen to you. If you do your research, and bring the essential, you can always be assured that you'll have nothing but a fun, safe time.

Ryan Hills is a survival expert in many fields of the outdoors. As an an ex-marine Ryan's training has taken him from the land, the air and the sea. If you plan on going on a hike, you should consider visiting the ten essentials to surviving the wild at the wilderness survival page at

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